Cute 10 minute timer
Cute 10 minute timer

cute 10 minute timer

You can download Space on Google Play and iTunes. You can check out stats of your most-used apps, use the screen-dimming and notification-blocker tools and compare your results with friends and family. Space, which used to be called BreakFree, provides a personalized program based on your own phone usage habits and patterns. More: The 7 Best Grocery-Delivery Apps for When It’s Just Too Cold to Leave Your House Space Image: Space If you have kids, use this app to control their screen time. Whenever you violate your own rules, AppDetox will remind you to take a break and will also keep a log of all your violations. AppDetox Image: AppDetoxĪs the name suggests, this app allows you to take a digital detox by setting your own rules - and even take it to the extreme and lock all your apps. Writers and students: This app is perfect for you. You can use this to track your work sessions too. StayOnTask checks up on you to make sure you’re doing your work - and aren’t scrolling through Twitter - via a random timer so you’ll never know when it’ll go off. Offtime is available on Google Play and iTunes. Plus, you can restrict access to any apps and take a look at the activity log that lists everything you missed while you were “unplugged.” The coolest part? This app will even provide analytics, so you can compare your phone behavior with others. With this app, you can block your calls, texts and notifications. With a name like Offtime, it’s pretty clear what this app does: keep you off your phone and focused on your work. More: 10 DIY To-Do Lists That Are as Pretty as They Are Useful Offtime Image: Offtime That’s not all the app will help train you to use your phone less.

cute 10 minute timer

Want everyone to stay off their phones during dinner? Easy: Start a dinner timer on the app, and whenever anyone picks up their phone, an alert will go off. Not only will it show you what apps you use the most and how often you pick up your phone every day, but you can also monitor every family member’s screen time.

cute 10 minute timer

Similar name, but different goal: Moment automatically tracks how much time you and your entire family use your phones and tablets. Once you go over your daily limit, In Moment will block access to the social media app(s). It’ll also show which apps you use the most and allow you to set a time limit on app usage. Try the Fullscreen button in classrooms and meetings :-) Start. In Moment automatically tracks how much time you spend on social media (a number that’s likely embarrassingly high for most of us). A cool little 10 Minute Timer Simple to use, no settings, just click start for a countdown timer of 10 Minutes. More: 7 Social Media Habits That Disqualified Real Candidates, According to Hiring Managers In Moment Image: In Moment

Cute 10 minute timer